Discounted Advanced Registration now open!
Join over 750 social entrepreneurs and social enterprise ecosystem partners in Chicago to learn, improve success, be inspired, and make new lasting connections.
Save $100 by registering now through September 15 at
The time is now. Be part of the movement.
We are an alliance of leaders across sectors
advancing Social Enterprise to
benefit our communities.
advancing Social Enterprise to
benefit our communities.
Established and emerging leaders in the
San Francisco Bay Area meet to support each other,
exchange learning and resources, and
be part of the conversation.
We are an official chapter of Social Enterprise Alliance,
the largest membership organization for
social enterprises in North America.
San Francisco Bay Area meet to support each other,
exchange learning and resources, and
be part of the conversation.
We are an official chapter of Social Enterprise Alliance,
the largest membership organization for
social enterprises in North America.